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Create a service
For Brands

The advertising world is tremendous, with high-budget projects, especially for brands. However, virtual advertising cannot provide all messages or feedback that physical advertising on the GO can give, and a great example of this is to give new product samples for consumer feedback testing to those passing by in malls, streets, public transportation stations, supermarkets, etc., so you as a brand company can create a quick exposure for that product with a far smaller budget or get fast feedback from the consumer side before launching the product on the market.

Green Speedy
For pro
motion on thGO!


6-3 mo.

Return on investment per point.


Expected Monthly income

(from 8 daily shift per point)


Brand fleet growth potential than conventional shop


The chance of creating a sustainable franchise than a conventional shop.

Statistics criteria


  1. Average business investment cost in Green Speedy sales on the GO vs. Conventional shop.

  2. Average workforce & monthly investment.

  3. Average monthly rent & maintenance cost.

  4. Average business owner freedom.

  5. Average finance risk vs conventional shop.

  6. Average wear and tear inventory.

  7. Average cashflows requirements. 

  8. Average business scalability potential.




All calculations are based upon the theoretical daily average activities of the different mentioned business segments, collected from different business owners and employees' from those segments, and we compared them with different online available statistics. 

A new level of  Engagement

Green Speedy cargo bike - a portable combined promotion display box with printed ad and transparent vitrine

Combined promotion display box with printed ad
and transparent vitrine

Green Speedy cargo bike - a portable large 4-sided digital signage version
Green Speedy cargo bike - a portable mix of digital signage combined with a vitrine display

Large 4 sided digital signage version

A mix of digital signage combined with vitrine display

Campaign on demand for consumer product survey of real people 

Start a portable advertising point franchise concept!

Physical advertising property is an expensive commodity in our world. Advertising on a street sign or building can cost the advertiser hundreds and thousands of dollars a month. Green Speedy cargo bikes understand the need to meet the advertising world but more importantly, the ability to get instant consumers feedbacks in a way that can serve the brands uniquely with the feedback of real people.


As an entrepreneur who wants to develop the field in his geographic area, there is a unique opportunity for providing a real solution for companies and brands! Green Speedy cargo bike length reduction will make it easier to enter commercial facilities and office buildings. Space is money and accessibility is power and Green Speedy knows how to enter anywhere and maximize space efficiency with maximum exposure which no cargo bike on the market can perform today.

Green Speedy cargo bike - a portable combined promotion display box with digital signage
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